Multi Award Winning Consulting Civil, Structural & Conservation Engineers

Blackcircles Cement Pit Stop, Tesco

Blackcircles Cement Pit Stop, Tesco

Client: Blackcircles Ltd
Architect: Morgan McDonnell

The Project comprises a role out program for the removal of existing car wash units and the installation of a pit stop structure within Tesco PFS sites to house a mechanical car tyre changing facility with office, kiosk and welfare units

The proposed structure consists of two sections of two separate forms of construction. The office module is comprised of a pre welded steelwork structure that is prefabricated off site and delivered for final fit out. The module is constructed utilising steel RHS and SHS sections welded to form a stiff frame in all directions, timber infill panels are also utilised as racking panels to stiffen the structure in order to resist transit and permanent load conditions. A curved, braced, lean too steelwork canopy structure provides the adjacent drive through facility which will be constructed on site.

The lean too structure consists of a braced steel frame in the longitudinal direction. The lateral loads are transferred to the neighbouring office module in the transverse direction. The frame consists of square hollow sections at approximately 3.6m centres which will provide support for cladding side rails and purlins.

The aim of the structural design is to provide a structure capable of safely fulfilling its intended function and sustaining the specified loads and deformations under normal construction and use, whilst having adequate durability and resistance to the effects of misuse and fire, with due regard to economy.

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